Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Jeff, Who Lives at Home (2011)

A zen loser gets to play hero for a day. This is a cutesy sort of random style movie about a day in the life for a mother, her stoner son who lives in her basement, and his middle management brother. This is one of the better 'safe date' movies I've seen in awhile. Its humorous without zingers, love without syrup, being zen and at one with the cosmos while wandering around like a complete jackass, pretty much a movie where the players pretend they are real people. And to top it off they have a slow pitch bid in favor of older women 'experimenting' with lesbianism. (Susan Sarandon played mom so it wasn't a hard sell for her). So as a gal you don't have to worry about tentacles coming on because you're scared and guys you get to show how open minded and well balanced you are on this safe movie date. It is a feel good movie, done very well, and yes you will want to clap at the end. Oh just an FYI- if you are in a hotel room with someone and your spouse doesn't know about it and its not part of your job, regardless your state of dress when you get caught, YOU ARE CHEATING!

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