Friday, March 23, 2012

21 Jump Street (2012)

Another 80's TV series getting re-gifted for the big screen. This is exactly what I was thinking before they unzipped my skull and threw sprinkles on my brain. I will go out on a limb and say this is the funniest movie I've seen this year that you don't need ID to see. And this is the good comedy, not that limp noodle Will the anti comedy Ferrell bull puckey. Well put together and without a doubt aimed at those of us in the age bracket to had been watching 21 Jump Street during its initial series run (did it go into syndication? hell I don't know). Very well played with a special nod to Ice Cube for his 'embrace your stereotype'.. lol.. be on the lookout for the eyebrow mustache.. you will know it when you see it. As for the rest its like going to your HS reunion as Rick O'Cassick. Watch for a surprise cameo to wrap up the previous chapter. Call this wonder punch and coconut shrimp. Recommended.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2011)

Johnny Blaze is back as the flaming skeleton of judgement. If you liked the first one or are a fan of the character there is no reason to think you won't enjoy this second helping. I found the story to be better developed this time around and Nick Cage does a good job of projecting both despair and madness over the creature he has become. FX are about what you would expect and they manage to fit a couple scenes in to tickle your funny bone as they turn up the heat on the action. With any luck they will round this one out as a trilogy.

The Grey (2011)

Survivors of a plane crash in Alaska struggle to stay alive. This is what I consider a 'physical' film.. much of it relies on visual gimmicks and drawing scenes out for tension, which this film does very well. There are a couple places where you can almost feel what the characters are. There isn't much story or character development, in fact outside of two of the characters all you know about any of them is a name that may be shouted a couple times. But its really not necessary for this kind of movie. This is the movie equivalent of a carnival ride.. strap in.. try not to look at the carny too hard.. and enjoy the ride. There are a couple big cheats and gaffs but you probably won't notice until after the movie is over. Deep fried carnival food on a stick.. fun to eat but not doing your system a lot of good. So enjoy the adrenaline rush and let your brain take the night off.

John Carter (2012)

A tired warrior on late 19th century Earth, John Carter finds himself transported to Mars where he is looked to as the savior of the planet. Despite its sci-fi theme Mars looks a lot like Arizona! This is a fairly standard Disney formula movie.. no real complex character issues, the story line is straight forward with minimal curves, headstrong female lead and naive boy scout male lead. Now don't confuse this with the movie being boring, its anything but! Lots of action, tension, the right amounts of apprehension and suspense that actually get better as it moves along. All around a very well done and enjoyable family friendly movie. Unfortunately I think movie goers who didn't read the novels as a kid will find this extraterrestrial jaunt rather plain and old fashioned by comparison to recent fare. A shame too because this really is one of science fictions milestones. Recommended.