Saturday, August 27, 2011

Return to the Hiding Place (2011)

A based on true events story about the resistance in Holland during WWII and their role in helping Jewish people survive the Nazi occupation. This is a feel good movie about faith, courage, honor, love, and all the good stuff that makes mankind noble; especially poignant when contrasted with the utter vileness of Nazi nationalism. A group of youths get pulled into the resistance when they get caught up trying to prevent Nazi violence on some Jewish citizens. Top notch story telling through a soft focus lens with a strong message of faith and character. Its hard for me to imagine someone who wouldn't be touched by this film. Highly and unequivocally recommended.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

A man wakes up in the desert with no memory and a strange device on his arm. This one starts out fast and continues at a break neck pace for almost the entire duration.. Action is brisk, flashy and sanitary. FX are very good. I found this to be an entertaining but not a mind bending movie.. everything is pretty safe.. including the obligatory bullet proof alien horde (wouldn't it be refreshing if just once bullets would kill aliens?). The end of the movie is kind of a kumbaya moment when all the humans who have been at each others throat join together to fight the critter invaders. History repeats itself.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Conan the Barbarian (2011)

The Cimmerian is back seeking to avenge the death of his father by hacking his way across Hyboria. My first thought going into this was "Jason Momoa... really?!" but since I had the exact reaction to Hugh Jackman as Wolverine I decided to see it before I judged it. I have to say I am fairly impressed. Not only do they not try to outdo Arnold in this role, they go the other way with it and make Conan the runt, who although has great strength relies on reflex, savagery, intelligence and outstanding swordsmanship to win the day. I still hold Arnold as the benchmark but Jason could very well surpass that if they do another with a better script. Much more roguish and refined, this Conan is as at home in the press of cities as he is in the wilderness. I have to think someone said 'What if Bruce Lee was Conan' at a production meeting early on. The first 20 minutes of this film had my mouth hanging open, young Conan sets a pretty serious pace. Unfortunately they are unable to maintain it (despite some very cool scenes) and the climax of the final battle is somewhat muted (over the top in a manner that would do Indiana Jones proud). However it is still a very entertaining watch for fans of the genre, very rated R. Keep a look out for Rose McGowan as the psychotic mystic Marique, she makes the role her own. A big rare steak sandwich and a pitcher of stout. Get your kill on! Recommended.

Super 8 (2011)

A bunch of kids are making a movie when they witness an event that will soon change the world. This is a good movie but I couldn't shake the feeling I had seen it before, then it hit me.. Steven Spielburg.. I guess even 'the master' can't resist repackaging. Sure its darker, hipper, bigger and louder than the first one but all the same elements are in place although Elliot.. oops.. I mean Joe.. is old enough they can throw in a little spring romance to sweeten the pot. The cube gimmick is cool enough to warrant seeing this movie if for no other reason. Even if you don't need to phone home its hard to imagine you won't be entertained.. more sci-fi and less Reese's Pieces this time around but still good family friendly entertainment. Recommended.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

A serum designed to battle Alzheimer is discovered to endow primates with heightened intelligence. I made a prediction after watching Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001) that CGI would soon replace human players.. after Avatar (2009) and now this movie I am more confident than ever of that prediction. This was a very well done film despite the humanization of the Caesar character and they do a very good job getting the audience to connect with him and his plight. Yes you will be cheering 'the bad guys' in this one. I thought this was a much better watch than Planet of the Apes (2001) although it lacks the fire of Tim Burton's movie. If you were a fan of the original run of Ape films you should find this one a real treat. Note: all apes in the movie are CGI. Recommended.

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

In WWII a German scientist defects to the US with a formula designed to enhance soldiers. They only get the chance to inject one volunteer (Steve Rogers) with the 'super soldier' serum before the proverbial shit hits the fan. I was very apprehensive going into this one.. and was completely blown away! This may be the best Marvel movie to date. Every aspect of this film has the feel of being carefully considered so that everything fits as the movie rolls along. The inclusion of Tommy Lee Jones and Hugo Weaving in the cast sure doesn't hurt things either. Well written, well directed and well played on all fronts and a nice neat tie-in for the upcoming Avengers movie. I can't imagine anyone going wrong with this selection. The best apple pie you have ever tasted! Highly Recommended.