Saturday, June 23, 2012

Cell Count (2012)

A mysterious illness threatens humanity but one scientist offers a cure. Basically unless this shows up on the late late late show and you are too drunk, stoned or lazy to find the remote I would stay away from this one. This is the type of movie that give B movies a bad name. Terrible cliched acting (the mad scientist sounds like a NAZI? why not a big scar and a monocle too), lame FX, and just when the movie is coming to an end they start making Matrix like references and the movie ends in the middle of some non sequitur that leaves you thinking the plug got pulled during production and they are trying to pay off the bill in the editing studio. Way too much toe cheese and not enough cracker. I actually misread the IMDb rating on this and thought it was a 8.3 (83 votes) instead of the 3.2 or 2.3 it really has. Bad dog no biscuit!

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