Tuesday, May 22, 2012

This Means War (2012)

A competition for a woman's favors drives a wedge between a couple high octane spies. Your typical action/comedy/romance (slasher/horror/sci-fi..yada yada). Sets up good everything is relatively entertaining for about 30 minutes... then they throw a wrench into the mix and it becomes weirdish... for example, they are supposed to be best buddies, one is a playboy the other guy not so much... so when the not so much guy falls for her, the playboy (who was ready to put a bullet in her head) turns around on a single kiss she lays on him for the sake of her ex-boyfriend right after chiding HIM for having the emotional maturity of a 5 year old.... HUH?! Then the 2 guys become super competitive, and start doing spy things to stalk the girl.. cool to have friends like that. (psssttttt.. Reese you aren't that hot).. anyway the movie does manage to stay pretty funny in places but steadily evolves into a chick-ish flick including the obligatory shot in the nuts. Sleepless in Seattle with gun play. Still better than anything with Mr. Comedy Body in it.

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