Sunday, September 18, 2011

Apollo 18 (2011)

The 'real' reason Apollo 18 was the last manned mission to the moon. Great premise, lackluster delivery. Shot in the now tiresome "I was there" self filming technique made famous by a Witch movie that will go unnamed, that is supposed to add to the 'realism', but not so much when you have 3rd person shots to show off your set. Coupled with the notion astronauts don't have a light source other than the flash on a camera (oO) so they can set up a 'gotcha' moment so telegraphed that when it landed the sheer not scariness of it makes you want to scream out of frustration, it just comes in light. There are other huge problems as well but lets move on to the other side of the coin. Everyone likes conspiracies and this one hands up a whopper dripping with all the 'powers that be' slime sauce you can stomach. They do borrow from Red Planet (2000) for the antagonist with just enough of the detail tweaked as so to be able to deny it in case of lawsuit (not the robot). Overall this plays like a good ScyFy production.. as far as seeing it on the big screen, maybe the bottom of a double header at the drive in (do they still have those?) Fish fingers too long under the light and a flat cola.

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