Saturday, December 4, 2010

Never Let Me Go (2010)

In this 'could happen tomorrow' sci-fi drama where clones are grown for organ harvesting, we follow three who hold out the hope for more. WOW! This is the best serious sci-fi I have seen since Cargo (2009) and Gattaca (1997). Not only is the movie well presented (I hear the book readers bitching already), its offered up with a quiet resignation that is so often seen in 'civilized' society. With the political and social acceptance of abortion and euthanasia, and the continuing propagation of the notion that those in favor be served by 'the little people', I can see the growth of live clones for harvesting (the movie uses the noble term "donation") occurring before the end of my lifetime. On top of this rather ignoble commentary of humanity, you have a very nice romance with all the tear jerking finality that tragic romantics demand. This movie doesn't require a huge amount of brain juice, but you do need some. Hard to imagine going wrong with this one. Highly Recommended.

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